7 thoughts on “About

  1. Hey Tim.. it’s Charley from Amsys. I saw your post about your recent iPad deployment at your school and thought that our new app might be of interest? If you could email me on charleyc@amsys.co.uk then I can send you some info and our video which shows the app in more detail.


  2. Hi Tim

    I’m really interested in how you have implemented iPads and other apple products in your school and how we might be able to do similar in our school. I teach in a school in Tower Hamlets and would be really keen to visit your school to see how everything works and the hardware is managed. Is this possible?


  3. Hello,
    I wonder if you can be of assistance, I am trying to get icloud mail to work within the LGfL on MacBook’s (London grid for learning) I have asked them and they seem to think it should work as they say relevant ports are open and also apple.com and icloud.com, the mail app on any of the macs shows an exclamation mark and if we swap from lgfl to by router it works fine, any ideas would be cool, thank you.

    1. Hi James

      I just asked them to open up outbound ports to 110, 143, 587, 993 and 995, with the reason of allowing IMAP access to work. This seemed to do the trick. I know that iCloud uses 587 and 993.

      Hope that helps


  4. Hello there Tim,

    I just read your Tweet:

    “Having to use my MacBook Pro for first time in weeks…thanks to LGfL’s London Mail! #iPadOnly”

    Are you experiencing problems using LondonMail on your iPad? If so please feel free to drop me a line or get in touch with LGfL’s support partners, Atomwide, and they will be happy to talk you through setting it up.


    Kind regards,

    Drew Tibble
    LGfL Technical Support Consultant

    1. It’s only that I was needing to log into multiple accounts in quick succession and LondonMail will only fully log out if Safari is quit via the multitasking view on iPad. Which was getting a bit tiresome!

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